IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some regions, drivers are not allowed to use their cars to reach the centre only bicycles and buses can be selected. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will first demo
It is irrefutable fact that few cities restrict the entry of private cars in the centre and also force them to make use of bicycles and buses.Although,it has certain demerits however it is more proven as a boon which wil
In today's fast-paced world, transportation facilities are increasing trend among the people. While some cities force the community to use bicycles and buses by preventing the private cars to enter to the city center. In
In our modern life, few humans strongly believe that, it is more common way to learn history by watching films instead of reading novels because it is more beneficial for individual especially adolesent. From my point of
Several urban areas forbid identity transports from entrancing the downtown and pressure individuals to utelize motorbice and autobus. Nowadays one of the widely discussed issues is transports . It is undeniable that it
Several towns prohibit special automobiles from inserting the down towns and constrain people to make use of cycles and autobuses.From my point of view,it has more pros then cons but it also has disadvantages.In this ess
Some cities ban private cars from entering the centre and force people to use bicycle and buses. Do the advantages of this police outweigh the disadvantage?
• In our modern life, transportation has been proven to be a revolution in almost every day type of cities and few towns prohibit personal automobiles from come in downtown and from my point of view, people should be uti
In resent years, technalogy is really developing day by day especially vehicle. Therefore, majorities cities forbid personal automobile from come in downtown and the gaverment emphasize, humans should be utilise bike and
In a few nations, government’s policy rules have  prohibited entering the middle of urban area by personal automobiles. And they are demanding to utilize from public transportation like buses or bicycles. In my opinion,
In recent years, climate change is rapidly increasing. It is clear that the usage of private motors has been increasing over the past few years. Banning private vehicles from entering the centre and encouraging the publi
Most cities prohibit that cars enter to the downtown and obligate people to use bycycles and buses. Althoug daily activities will be more complex and it will requiere more time to get to our destination, I believe the a
Driving private cars in centres is prohibited in some cities and people are compelled to use either bicycles or buses instead. In my opinion, this argument has more benefits than drawbacks.
The use of private motors has been increasing over the past few years all over the world. Private vehicles are banned from entering the centre and motivate the public to use public transport and bicycles more. In my opin
Transport is one of the most crucial parts of people's lives. It is widely accepted that banning private vehicles to use bicycles offers many advantages such as less congested transportation. However, this can also have
Several cities are restricting the movement of privately owned vehicles, and instead promoting citizens to use bicycles and buses. Although this shift will help to drop the pollution level as well as there will be an in
Several cities are restricting the movement of privately owned vehicles, and instead promoting citizens to use bicycles and buses. Although this shift will help to drop the pollution level as well as there will be incre
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