IELTS Writing Samples Band 4

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Nowadays, adolescents are pressured to excel academically. Hence, numerous people think that to be succeed in academic category, non-academic subjects should be removed from the school syllabus. I strongly disagree with this opinion, this is because there are many ways to be a successful person, not only academically
There are differens between each state about living with your guardians after finishing school or university or even after finding a job. However, by living with your parents have alot of pros than cons such as taking care of them, collaborate financially and enjoy the best moments.
Nowadays, information technology development becoming more sophisticated and play important role for our life, especially for business activities while certain roles have more dependecies with technology. Then, this condition could bring a problems for humans since there are several job rolesthat could be replaced by technology. In my opinion, information technology could offer several advantages through to make the business activities more effective and efficient.
Given is a line graph depicting information on a number of individuals who visited to one of Caribbean islands over the period of 7 years. Units have been supplied in millions.
Regarding to the statment that some pupils chooses to one year take break before starting university, to ethier travel or gain new eperience related to work. I thing It is a great idea to take a year gap before starting university for two important reasons and I will outline it in this essay.
There has been an ongoing debate on pertaining to whether fast food is having a detrimental effect on our everyday life and our choices of food. The writer of this essay supports this statement as fast food have contributed to many health problems and have also generated many unhealthy ways of living.
It is a common belief that sports centers and social buildings for local communities should be established by large companies . I wholeheartedly disagree with this opinion due to two main reasons, that it is the governmental responsibility and the company should use this money to develop related companies.
Many people argue that governments should allocate more money for railways rather than roads. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.
It is a norm that nowadays a number of individuals claim that the love in fellowship might be lower-rate through time. On the contrary, societies said that the same-age individuals' relationship holds the same compared to previous. However, In my opinion, I tend to agree that the lasting of friend emotions are reduced subsequently to hours.
Nowadays people are facing with technology era as well as a vehicle. Emerging technology in some automakers leads to driverless that people will be passengers only in the future. I strongly believe this driverless vehicle provides more benefits such as having more time to read a book or newspaper, eat, and sleep.
It is undeniable that criminal records have proliferated in many countries. On this matter, some people think that violent movies and computer games can encourage this phenomenon. From my perspective, there are several factors which trigger crime. However, those activities are related to this matter to a certain extent as they can be likely to change characters and attitudes of audiences, particularly ,vulnerable younger generation. Thus, this essay intend to discuss how violent movies can influenen on viewer.
Some people argue with this problem that can compare to high style than people old before modern era. This essay will discuss about the positive impact and negatif impact.
In the contemporary era, it is said that the content with violent scenes have dominated crowds to commit more and more crimes as the years pass through. As inappropriate TV shows are illustrated throughout flatforms entire world, it induces people to do more illegal actions. This essay will explain my opinion as I completely agree with the statement with some specific reasons.
In the information age, the growth of technology spread in all of the world, leading to the toxic alter in the way which people interact with others. This essay shows the writer’s opinion that totally disagree with this statement.
All around in the cities, car is common transportation that started in 20th century until now. However, it gave bad effectlike pollution and manu accidents and the death of million people. I agree with the statement because more disadvantages from using car.
A lot of citizens who look forward to the older generation do not have much time to service themselves. The root cause for this is elder people are too old to take care of themselves and also they easy to get sick than other young individuals, yet it can be solved by focusing on technology to develop services or donate money to service groups of volunteers.
I agree that all countries have military service for men. In my country, there is military account for all dude and I think that this is a good thing. It teaches fellow many new things and new skills that are important for life. Also for young people, it is fun doing military account. I made many friends in my country with military office. It is good for countries to have military and military needs folk. If military business is in the country then the army would have people and also young people would learn new teachers. On the other hand, I do not agree with military supply for women. Nowadays there are some women in the military and this is not a problem for them. but I think that not all women want to go in the military and not all person are strong for the military. Maybe female have other works or can stay at home. I think that this is chosen for female and compulsory military service is not a good thing. Nowadays there are problems in many countries with behaviour of young p...
It is more trending from last few years that people visit more countries via airplans.there are number of reasons for this increasing air travel worldwide such as societies have multiple resources to know about golbe and financially more stronger than ever before.Following paragraphs will discuss about this statement . To comence ,fastly increasing technology make this possible to traval different countries.Internet has great influence on communities to see all around the world and indulge people to visit all these attractive places.For instance,ancient time proponents only know about few places of their states and only ellite class could be able to travel more states of a country,but now people want to see all those places that which they are interested. Further more,number of new airlines are introduced in last decad,which created compitat...
The graph highlights data about the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas produced per person by four European countries over a forty-year period between 1967 and 2007. Overall, greenhouse gas emissions decreased in the United Kingdom and Sweden. However, in Portugal and Italy, during the same time period, the quantity of emissions increased.
Some people assert that increasing the use of media devices for communication has a negative effect on the young generation's reading and writing skills. To protect the children's academic abilities, I believe that the Internet has to regulate as soon as possible.
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